Thursday, October 7, 2010

ad 10/08/10

This ad is for a diet supplement called quick trim this ad garantees that you will loose weight and ultametly look like Kim and Chloe Kardashian it states that by buying this 75 dollar bottle of pills you will become skinny without having to workout. By having Kim as there representitive for this product they are subliminally saying that not only will you look great but you will become rich and beautiful as well. The Kardashians have there own television show therefore by seeing them on tv and on this ad you will always be thinking about how good Kim looks becuase of this supplement and how easy it would befor you to loose weight as well. The title states, "How Hot can you Be?" not only is Kim in a bathing suit but the back drop is a beach this can relate to how good she looks as well as how attracted she makes the audience to her becuase of how "hot" she is.


  1. Women have the desire to be "hot". Hot means wannted, beautiful, sexy, and in shape. This ad plays on the desires of women, and is very good at targeting that specific audience. It's funny how they have her cleavage displayed, as if taking this diet system will enchance bust size. The ad sells the product well because there are many young women trying to resemble Kim K.

  2. This ad also sends sexual innuendos by the quote on the bottom of the quicktrim logo. "i did it on the QT" its suggesting that Kim Kardashian is speaking this way which definately catches peoples attention. It also may make people assume that Kim Kardashian has more or better sex because of her wieght loss with quicktrim. Also the setting of the shot is in some sort of paradise. They are trying to say when you look great paradise is a possibility in your life.
